About Us

Toronto Woods Daycare
We are licensed center providing quality care to children from 18months to 5 years of age. With accommodations 21 preschoolers and 14 toddlers which allows us to provide a more inclusive atmosphere that you might find a large center.
We would like to develop positive relationship with you and your child. Our team dedicated to meet the needs of your child in all areas of development. All staff at Toronto woods daycare will work to create a warm and comfortable environment for your child. We have a program that are carefully deigned to help your child grow and feel successful. We hope to fill your child's world with encouragement and motivation that they will carry
with them throughout their lives. Toronto woods daycare will strive to work with children individually to help them develop their strengths at their own pace. Each child has their own personality that will shine like stars.
Our Philosophy
Learn to Play, Play to Learn
We provide a high quality, supportive, child-centered program in a warm, safe and responsive environment.
Toronto Woods Daycare supports the belief that young children learn through play, and that play is an integral part of young children’s lives.
We believe that children should be treated with respect and dignity, to feel safe and secure, to have opportunities for learning through play. Children thrive and learn best when their interests are captured, and as a result learning occurs naturally. We are planning a curriculum that is based on the children’s interests and passion. We call it an emergent curriculum.
Play is an active, child-centered process that supports children’s learning throughout the domains of physical play, social/emotional interaction, creativity, science, math, language and literacy.
We believe that each child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring and stimulating environment in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically and socially.
Our aim is to provide a program that is play–based and designed to support the care and development of young children. Focus on children’s social, emotional, physical, creative, and cognitive development in a holistic way. Children are actively involved in a variety of play and daily living experiences. Our aims are for children to:
Be healthy
Develop communication skills by providing opportunities for children to listen, talk, draw, and write about events that occur in their lives
Express feelings
Socialize with peers and adults
Manipulate materials as they explore, experiment, problem solve, ask questions
Develop physical and self-help skills
Be independent and self- reliant as they accomplish tasks in their own way, at their own pace
Program Statement
Toronto Woods daycare follows “How does learning happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years as the guiding document under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014.
Our framework for early learning and care is based on “Early Learning for Every Child Today (ELECT).
We ensure that the environment of the program provides a high-quality experiences for children, families, and educators. We strive to organize a program that best promotes children’s development, health, safety, nutrition and well-being and to support educators in their work with children. Building positive and responsive relationships with children, families and educators. Providing environments in which children learn through exploration, play, and inquiry. Encourage self-reflection, discussion, and ongoing collaboration and learning amongst educators. Engage with families, and value their strengths, contributions, and unique perspectives. Use pedagogical documentation to study, interpret, make visible, and help inform children’s learning and development.
Our Goals
To prepare the child for formal learning by providing a stimulating and fun environment
To recognize that each child is a unique individual who learns at his own pace and his own way (to respect individuality)
To encourage total involvement and active participation on the part of the child
To use art as a language of communication and expression
To provide hands-on tactile activities to develop sense of exploration, observation, imagination and discussion
To provide quality environment that is safe and clean and where enthusiastic teaching professionals take pride in creating a loving, nurturing atmosphere for growth.